Thursday, June 30, 2011

Get your hands on Google top keywords, free!


Wordze giving away a free download excel spreadsheet with all the top Google traffic driving terms search since 8th Jan 08.

I use Wordze which combines my keyword research for PPC & organic SEO with Google keyword tool for a large mass, so I write a review in any case, what they do very high.

Wordze Trends

I'm pretty sure that most of this data is from Google trends, which with the top terms and conditions updated daily drawn.

Simply visit the Gtrends section of the website & enter to receive your information, the Excel spreadsheet
Email Marketing $19/Month!

View the original article here

How to apply & accept get from affiliate networks

We are currently working on the beta version of our affiliate network reviews & as such I am subscribing to any network currently out there to really have an idea of, how they work.

I thought this would be a good time, some of the most important things you should do before you apply materials to a network:

NameEmailOther contact details (daytime & evening phone) current AddressBusiness NamePayment information (PayPal or DD) tax information / SS (unless outside the United States) website information, including the UB & NicheHow traffic (email, PPC and SEO) want to send if email can you will be asked, for the IP address of your mail ServerOther affiliate networks you work with

You are prompted that provide domain that you use to perform all actions. Verify the domain Active & is not holding page. Make sure that this is a legitimate domain has to offer leads/sales to the network.

Avoid or similar as your domain because this will not likely (depending on of the network, most remain with PPC of only affiliates adopted, fine as long as you specify). If you only SEM would not I disturb a site Prostavlenie.

I passed since this is where I am doing blog reviews earners as the domain for most of the networks. Oddly I get an application declined CX digital media , because they take no sites hosted on free hosting. I don't know if they are left there, but it needs much intelligence to find out that I am not hosting a free blog host.

This is an important part of the equation. It is advisable to provide an e-Mail address, the domain name is you submitted have above, this helps to reinforce the fact, that you with the network, you are to apply are are legitimate. You free e-Mail accounts such as Hotmail, try to avoid Gmail or Yahoo.

A large number of networks will now ask you to ensure that you ask either you or the site itself, call the & have a chat with them. This is a good opportunity, start up a conversation with a AM before you accepted to receive. This can give you some insights in how they know about.

I was also asked a text link to one of their partner sites as review put up by a network. Not be.

Not lie about the website, that you will receive ownDon't start a better payout on offers immediately, wait until you volumeDon don't push effort the hell out of your AM this WiselyAvoid tries brand bidding, you'll quickly booted get for ThisBe carefully with incentivized traffic use, some deals allow it, but most not

Account managers are a wealth of information in some networks, which is bottom line, the better you do, the more money that make them.

Asking the right questions, not bust balls:

The offers are good currently convert?
What landing pages are ass occur? (not you say most of this but it doesn't hurt, questions)

This should be all that you have to really start.

Email Marketing $19/Month!

View the original article here

$50 AdWords & YSM coupons for Australians

I came across both these vouchers in a magazine yesterday, they are only for people who live in Australia. Enjoy.

$50 AdWords coupon for new advertisers$100 YSM voucher for new advertisers
Email Marketing $19/Month!

View the original article here

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

DDOS attack

I have tried at least a solid post per week to write, but unfortunately as Eli over at blue hat SEO , I see a wave of DDOS attacks for the last few weeks. It seems not too much to the same extent but I have the appropriate measures in place to ensure that it was contained.

Big thanks to all the guys over at SLHost for their assistance in resolving problems quickly. If you ever need, you can go your hands on a decent VPS really much wrong.

In the meantime, you have a great guest posts that cover each partner send & I will be the marketing topics sort by the best,:)

Thank you for your support.

Email Marketing $19/Month!

View the original article here

Make your scalable systems

Scaling your Ideas

If you specified the jackpot on a specific campaign or with a method can beat it quite satisfactory, especially if the source of income steady & reliable.

If this situation two is usually types of affiliates, those who move to the next idea & those, who will try to get the current system for as much profit as possible milk.

I want questions, is it easier to make more money from something you already know, is money earn? or it is simple, try to find another system, to make money?

This fine line separates those, the serious money and those who Chase money.

Let's start with a few definitions:

System: This is a method, tactic, or idea that you can generate an income.

Scale: the ability, this system & duplicate or to increase profitability. Now just because you duplicate a campaign that does not mean that you have scaled it X 2. Here you can have therefore a lower return on investment can you scaled only to 1.5 times your current income have. But that's still more money than they made before.

= Profitability spend System x scale -To determine what can be scaled as well something? For example, it is much more difficult a piece of software to automate by someone else as it to something to automate, you yourself have written has been written.Scaling is equivalent to volume or tweakYou can scale upwards press more & more volume of a specific offer or trader. If you volume push then you are valuable, that dealer. By the fact that you negotiate much better prices, increase your net profit. If you had 20 smaller offers you never able, would be to do so.You can press optimizations you create your campaigns, more revenue, which is essentially also a form of the scale.Looking for ways that you can automateYou can automate create AdWords campaigns?Can you automate, to check your statistics?Can you automate promotion?Can you automate the creation of dynamic landing pages?Ability to automate the creation of WordPress blogs?

Chances are if you can think to do something. Someone else has already on how to do it 1000 times faster intended.

Time = moneyAre looking for, to squeeze revenue out of existing campaigns & sitesWill you find more relevant offers to your target market?You are opt-in subscribers capture?Ability to increase you traffic on existing sites?Increase traffic through existing PPC campaigns convert know ?Ability to optimize campaigns for lower CPCs?

Simple example for simple Automation &Amp; scale

To create the example of the AdWords campaigns & import a huge amount of keywords. How many of you manage import your keywords in Excel in the AdWords Editor with the bulk function?

AdWords Editor you can use this string to import keywords:


Recently, I ran a few campaigns related to DVD's. I wanted to quickly create an ad group to certain stars. That is Chuck Norris DVD's.

I have an Excel table with the following piece of code:

= B3 & "dvd," & "exactly" & "," & C3 & "," & E3 & "?" Aid = "& D3 &"& kw ="& Deputy (B3",","_"") "

This would then let me create a huge list of stars, I wanted to aim & the spreadsheet would easily insert the necessary code to copy & in AdWords Editor.

This code above creates something such as:

Chuck Norris dvd,exact,0.50,

With this syntax I am a list of the top able 2000 stars access and fire it in this table have all keywords ready to roles within a few seconds 2000. All I have to do is display write & dynamic keyword insertion & we use are roles.

In this small example allowed me not only automate the creating keyword lists, but it allows me to scale campaigns much faster.

So if you one of these partners, Hunt, without really focusing on those who are working for you back takes you to new ideas a step & you think about how you can use, what you have.

View the original article here

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My List Building Blueprint

Massive Set of 18 Videos of Email Master telling all. This is the Exact Blueprint for building An Enormous list of hungry buyers, & The Exact Strategies To Generating Massive *Piles of Cash* On-Demand! Great bonuses skyrocket value. 50% commission.

Check it out!

Capital running and the rule of law of reciprocation Cialdini

I was on a hot walk with my dog recently, and were we on a Oasis…, a water station is in our neighborhood of running capital city, a local running store set up, that I still visit not.

Water station from Capital City Running

(After Mattingly and I got out of the water a dog had they Bowl and cups) updated, they have me thinking about the wisdom of this water station in an area with tons of runners and walkers.

It brought to mind that one of the six "weapons of influence" from a favorite business book of mine, influence: the psychology of persuasion by Robert Cialdini.

And this was mutual, where people tend to favor a return.

Cialdini cited an example in Ethiopia thousands of dollars in humanitarian aid after the earthquake of 1985 to Mexico provided, although Ethiopia suffered at the time of a crippling famine and civil war.

The thing was that Ethiopia was provided for the diplomatic support of Mexico if 1935 reciprocating occupied Italy, Ethiopia.

Another example is the good cop/bad cop strategy.

Anyway, I estimated capital city run, for the provision of human and dog water at the right time and led to their business, pair of shoes of ASICs DS racer 8 to get.

Asics DS Racer 8 from Capital City Running

Check out capital city running at and visit her, when in Austin, Texas.

View the original article here

Monday, June 27, 2011

Run at Affiliate Summit East 2011 tally to 15 June 2011

The race at Affiliate Summit East 2011, a Dailymile challenge at the Affiliate Summit will donate $1 to the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade for each mile run or walked (up to $5,000) through the challenge runs until 07/31/2011.

There are currently 42 people involved in the challenge, and the top ten runners have counted already 581 km.

There were 870 km run by all participants, so that it is raised, so far $870.

I am ranked 3 now (see my Dailymile profile) with 60 miles - catch me if you can.

Here are the top June 2011 ten runners than the 15.

Dailymile synchronized with Garmin (205, 305, 310xt, 405, 405cx), Nike + device and iPhone app, as well as a number of iPhone and Android clients.

You can run your efforts and also manually enter go.

To participate in Dailymile activities, you need to load friend me on Dailymile and I will to the challenge. The challenge is through 07/31/2011.

Get more information at

Affiliate Summit East 2011 held 21-23, is August 2011 in New York City.

The participants with the total number of kilometres at the end of the challenge will receive a Platinum pass at the Conference.

Please note that all information you provide as part of the competition is public and can be used by the Affiliate Summit in our marketing efforts for this event.

View the original article here

Dealing with dodgy dealers & affiliate networks

I have closely following a thread on Wickedfire in the last few days, the talks about the Dubious affiliate networks. I realized that I never really discussed this topic in detail on the blog, my spin on everything had so here.

Dodgy dealer

It is inevitable that attempting every month hundreds of dealers you finally in the some dodgy, run. It is easy to believe that everyone in this industry is beautiful & "Look for each other" but if you, then you think need a serious reality check.

You have three types of traders

Those who manage their affiliate program in the House with a dedicated TeamThose, who outsource the management to a network but still approve purchasing/ThemselvesThose leads, (1-man show) managing the program itself

From experience have I had trouble from all three types. But most of the time it is for numbers, 2 & 3.

So, what are the ways that retailers can you of your well fought to cheat after commissions?

Scrubbing leads - this is unfortunately very common in our industry (especially in the adult space). It happens at the merchant level and at the network level. This basically means that the merchant or network is any number of your leads credit, pocketing the profit for yourself and you will not even know to.

How to combat - there is only one real way to combat this, & that you want to generate your leads locally, or to generate leads for you friends & catch the merchant red pass. The bottom line is, if you suspect that your dealer of this movement On…. quickly does.

Lead delay - this is common in the financial sector & refers to the processing time of applications for loans or credit cards. Make sure that the dealer is regularly approve you or leads, which you reject by sending.

How combat - a quick email to your AM or their Manager is usually the ball rolling on this subject. If that leads to long delay only switch dealers & save the headache, their loss.

High rates - I have come across a number of dealers in my time, which have a very high rate of the refund. This is a very, guard, especially in the financial area. If your task, which is provided someone with a "start" then the dealer should not entitled to refund it for a failed application, but some merchants only get not what really is the importance of leads.

How fighting - there is no way around this if a high refund then you call it the dealer & request an explanation. This is not Worthing pursing only then move on.

Test orders - I get them even those from time to time, it is possible that the occasional one or two is fine, but not more than that & you should start, worried. Why on earth you try so many orders under my affiliate ID, you don't have a test ID?

How fights - to ask the above question.

Bids on their own brand with an affiliate tracking ID - this is one of those who pisses me off most. I can all the work and to the customer presell but if they decide, go away to think about it & then again by entering the brand in Google cookie overrides the merchants me. This is very common and is something that the I before each campaign for review.

How fought, if you can outbid the merchants on their own brand & how many others tear them off to test:;)

Non-payment - perhaps the worst is your efforts do not for all & paid hard work. Remember from time to time can dealers be with payments in arrears or perhaps forgotten, but there is a difference between a payment and not always One…ever.

As you email your account manager or affiliate employees first, if it no answer and try again to fight. If you talk to a wall then contact, be it above write a letter, a reaction can provoke with a lawyer. Remember, try and research potential traders as far as possible, before you put all heavy volume & have always a backup things single go to belly.

Dodgy affiliate networks

Run in house campaigns - If you had an affiliate manager, who was paid to the performance of their associated companies & you access to "what worked" your own campaigns would run? Now, there are many AM of out there that do this & you have to your tracks to not give any secrets.

Do not keep their campaigns secret only protect your winnings, but also protect your niche. Are already bidding on a keyword with 0 competition almost over night you up again 1 or 2 competitors?

As fought -

Use redirects: PHP redirects generally pass the referrer string until, so you use a redirect, which do not want. Meta redirects or JavaScript redirections usually do quite well (keep in mind that some people JavaScript turn off to do). If I want to keep hidden things really will I use double redirects, by back the redirection of trace or real redirect as a referrer see to prevent the clock.

Encode your SubID: If you leave strong not go on sub IDs they call things like Subid = Affiliate_marketing_blog, you can convert also giving your top keyword list on a plate. It should look something like Subid = 9954412, if you don't know how you put code then you simply the real Subid value in a spreadsheet. If you're a DAB hand at PHP you can create a Simple tracking script their own identifying the Subid with the real term in your statistics.

Are your floor: Not in the network, let bully disclose your traffic sources as soon as you start to kill you with your campaign. If the traffic on the dealer end is until then, they have to worry network (unless you, not your campaigns giving away ;) ) bottom line is that she will lose you risk when you send a decent amount of leads.

These are just my experience over the years, I learned how to do things much more about it (especially if it PPC) to be secretly. I would love to hear your experiences and what measures you take to protect your IP. Please call you no networks in the comments.

View the original article here

Sunday, June 26, 2011

AffStat 2011: Affiliate marketing statistics report now available

2011 Affiliate Summit AffStat report is now free of charge at Can online display or be downloaded.

AffStatMore than fourteen hundred - subsidiaries were on the methods, the guidelines and strategies for the 2011 Affiliate Summit AffStat Reportquestioned.

The report features dozens of charts of data, based on the responses of the participating partners to affiliate marketing, social media, search marketing, blogs, e-Mail, and demographics of affiliates.

Also included, an uncensored view in the views of participants on a variety of other topics.

Subsidiaries were asked to have complaints, ideas, suggestions or opinions to share about affiliate marketing.

Feel free, material from the report in blog posts, presentations, etc. use. Only reference that the information from the 2011 came Affiliate Summit AffStat report.

Below, the issues are dealt in the 2011 Affiliate Summit AffStat report.

You manage an opt-in E-mail list for your sites? Promote your affiliate links in PPC-search engine for? Finish this sentence: I have an affiliate Since… Read the affiliate agreement when signing up for an affiliate program? Affect Commission payment terms (how often a program pays) the decision whether to promote an affiliate offer? Have you successfully requested an increase in the Commission of an affiliate manager? As you most learn about an affiliate program, and then join? What is your preferred method to search for information from an affiliate manager? How much should information an Affiliate Manager make available to you? How would you contacted prefer Affiliate Manager on an individual basis to be? What is your preferred method of the Commission payment? What is the highest resolution rate, that would take? What is the most important factor when choosing a merchant? What are your preferred link types? Redirect you coat / links? Currently use URL shortening services in your marketing efforts? If you with answered Yes to the above question, what URL shortening services actively use you? Include your affiliate marketing plan currently marketing on social networking sites? If you answered Yes to the above questions, currently in your affiliate marketing efforts use social-networking Web sites? You are currently video into your affiliate marketing plan include? Use all WordPress plug-in the or affiliate widgets for the marketing efforts? If you use answered Yes to the above question that are affiliate marketing related plugins and widgets you are currently using? If you currently use WordPress, to build affiliate sites, what is your preferred WordPress theme? What is your age range? Mac or PC? Work from home? You are married or single? Do you have children? Please you feel free to share, complaints, ideas, suggestions or opinions, you have to affiliate marketing.

Get your free copy of Affiliate Summit AffStat report on

2011 Affiliate Summit AffStat report

View the original article here

List Building Secrets

Discover Rapid-Fire List Building Strategies That Will Blow You Away. Do It Like How The Gurus Did It. For Newbies Especially Some Of The Things You Will Learn: 1. Create Massive Mailing Lists 2. How To Find The Hungriest Markets And More

Check it out!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Podcasting, Shareist and Moneyball

This week on the affiliate thing podcast, guest co-host, the Joe Magennis for Shawn Collins, filled State of New Jersey had visited his old home. Podcasting, Adam spoke about everything from early episodes of the affiliate, inspiring what Joe's Lisa ring groove and Joe Curry to Moneyball.

See left
LinkShare golden link Awards next week

The race of Affiliate Summit East 2011

AffStat Report 2011 now available


CA Governor Jerry Brown veto budget

This week in tech

Joe Magennis interview with Scott Jangro about Shareist

Subscribe you the Affiliate thing RSS feed or listen in on iTunes. You can send to get also an empty E-mail to, each podcast delivered by E-mail.

View the original article here

Federal Trade Commission has the intention to provide additional guidance to online advertising companies

It is a position invited by Richard b. Newman - lawyer Marketing Affiliate

In the affiliate marketing industry recalls with regularity increased these days that the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") increased compliance investigations and the prosecution of deceptive business practices.  Advertising on the Internet and the global marketing landscape continues to evolve, orientation of the FTC will continue to keep pace.  Last week, the FTC announced its intention to update its current guidance documents that advises companies on advertising law Federal how applies to the online advertising and marketing.  The original document - Dot Com Disclosures: Information about online advertising, has been published more than ten years ago.  Revisions to be compatible with the progress made in the world of marketing online since the issuance of the Dot Com disclosures are expected, including questions relating to the emergence of mobile marketing, the "app" economy, the use of "pop-up blockers" and social networks online.

The FTC is clearly interested in the technical and legal issues which, specialists of marketing, consumers and other advocates view must be addressed.  Disclosures Dot Com said that consumer protection laws apply to all marketing specialists, whether or not they operate online.  Marketers online, like their counterparts, should provide clear and visible disclosures of information that consumers need to make informed online purchasing decisions.  Traditional factors used to evaluate whether disclosures are likely to be "clear and visible" and how they apply in the context of online advertising include placement of the disclosure in an advertisement and its proximity to the relevant claim, importance of disclosure, if the articles in other parts of the advertising divert attention from the disclosure, the advertisement is so lengthy that the disclosure should be repeateddisclosures in audio messages are presented in an adequate volume and cadence, if Visual disclosures appear for a sufficient duration, and the language of the disclosure is objectively comprehensible to the public.

Richard b. Newman is a lawyer of the Internet (California & New York) and
FTC lawyer of the defence & regulatory compliance in Hinch Newman LLP

Advertising disclosure policy*.

View the original article here

Coupon affiliates steal from you

Apparently, visits to an online retail site of a voucher/coupon code Web site is now in the UK 1 out of every 200 . As this type of traffic year after year, your hard earned affiliate commissions could get emptied down the drain, if your cookie is overridden by these practices of rogue.

Many of the large gift certificate have an incredibly sneaky way websites, your override hard earned cookies (there are out legit there, to do things by the book, but I'm not naming names here).

Show Discount & Save

So in order to even view the discount you click first need, button, to reveal codes, opened this a popunder is a new cookie, override sell. Now is where it starts to get very, very sneaky.If you have a large database driven website easily it is creating pages to any trader / website known to man, who has an affiliate program (regardless of whether they coupon codes or not), some sites have to manually do others can do it quickly. You then start optimize the pages for "merchant name coupons, discount codes and coupons."So there's now a typical scenario: you send a customer the dealer of your affiliate RedirectCustomer is a nice shiny laptop & decide BuyThey to checkout & find a "coupon code box" you see the dealer has their eyebrows, ever so slightly increase and enter "traders coupon codes" in GoogleUp POPs one of the voucher code sites with a beautiful shiny button similar to, that AboveBut…. low & Behold there is no coupon codes.The coupon site has but yet your cookie overwrite.

This is, what pisses me off most, people are willing to buy, ready to commit. Still have you you sell at the last minute (seemingly without any effort) stolen.

One of Britain's great coupon sites last year reported that they more than $ sent gross annual sales in the value of sales through dealers. With this kind of volume, the networks are zugedrückt an eye & these sites with stealing your commissions to get away.

This seems very different, but here is a couple of thoughts (I would like to know you also):

n What do you think the role is the affiliate? There is this four solutions I can think of: I look very carefully before promoting some traders now when they have a coupon discount have a field is a big red flag for me.Ban of the concerned partner of NetworksDisable override the affiliate CookiesCredit of the affiliate that sends the consumer on the buy side before the affiliate providing the coupon.

What solutions do you see to combat this growing problem?

Email Marketing $19/Month!

View the original article here

Friday, June 24, 2011

AWeber form trick to triple profits

You have probably seen me on the power of the AWeber before harp, I use it to lists for each campaign I run & website based on almost every Affiliate product I have to build.

I am going to share with you a little secret that you triple your winnings on landing pages in three different ways. This technique works best with product reviews, but I am sure that you have a way to make it with your niche will find.

This technique works by the customer data record, before you send it to the purchase/presell page of the product, check are. Is by far the easiest way to do this, they have a bonus download (in the value of $50$ 100) to offer the product in question.

Here is a brief example, I found that used this technique with eBooks:

Aweber Email Example

Once the user in their name & e-Mail address types you can use a command type in the form code them to the page of the product redirect that check are. This redirect is used normally, thank send to someone to a page:

This will then give the user the possibility, the original product purchase & an e-Mail with will be (they will be subscribed to your list) the download product in the Inbox.

If you get the free download right it can have a massive impact on the opportunity, a conversion for the main product.

I will always try to choose something that is as close as possible to the main product. If you do a review of the AWeber & capture addresses you want to give may a free 30,000 opt-in mailing list (which it of course useless without an e-Mail marketing product like AWeber). This is just one example, but you get the idea.

So you now have the opportunity, 3 times from this scenario benefit:

Main product: If your review is good & your bonus product fits you hopefully here easily to convert.
Bonus product: If you have time on your hands it is possible to use the bonus product to obtain profits. Writing an eBook or guide click with AWeber (or which product you are promoting) & give it away free (packed your affiliate links of course). Don't forget the bonus (as Web hosting or WordPress templates, etc.) add free products. Also acts as a security buffer, if the person decides, not the most important product order, they can read the bonus product & buy from there.
Mailing list: You have now an active member of your mailing list, that you newsletter, offer tips & tricks or more product reviews to. This is of inestimable value, without him, that person would be gone forever and you would have probably much of a chance to sell.

AWeber is partner of the system for 30 days free of charge test allows. With the guarantee, the:

If for some reason, no more site visitors collects you % have to follow up and increase the profits then hassle-free refund a 100.

It starts at $19 & how many subscribers do you have increased, depending. I have an account with about 600 participants, the me somewhere between $300-$1000 + every time I generated the list mail. I will leave it to you, to find out which niche respond most e-Mail offers.

Email Marketing $19/Month!

View the original article here

Benefits of being an Affiliate Pro - the lesson of $25 000

Wednesday, may 25, 2011 at 8: 20 by Linda Buquet

I read just a great post to Jonathan Volk and wanted to share.

If you want to become an Affiliate Pro? The truth of $25 000

For more than 4 years I left my part-time job as a computer salesman and forever decided that this thing called internet could be my vehicle for the manufacture of large.

During this time, I learned a ton of money online and have made many methods - money as an affiliate, an etailer, coach, etc. Fortunately, I have been quite successful to each of them. Everyone has his head and it is inconvenience.

I wanted to take a minute to write on the advantages and disadvantages of being a full-time affiliate as it compares to other means of earning money online.

Advertising disclosure policy* link to this entry . Discuss in the Forum of Star 5 . Related entries: Affiliate Marketing | See comments below

New here? Subscribe to the RSS feed or follow me on Twitter. Thank you for visiting!

View the original article here

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Niche domination - solid strategy or a trick pony?

Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 9043.

Quite a while ago I wrote a post on building a lasting affiliate network, something that can potentially take 2-3 years to really achieve properly.

I what browsing through the serps recently for a new project that I'm about to launch here on Earners blog which relates to the web hosting niche. This niche in particular really shits me, it's as bad as the MMO (make money online) niche - millions of idiots all promoting products because of their commissions rather than the value of the product to the client/shopper. But, everyone's gotta make a buck…right?

So I stumbled across a networks of sites recently that has started dominating this niche quite well, it just so happens that it's for all the shitty hosts that pay good commissions but provide a terrible service (how ironic?).

In this I'm going to take post apart his network & show you the things he's done it & also the mistakes he's made along the way (without directly linking to the sites).

Lets firstly look at one of his sites. It's the # 1 SERP for the term BlueHost review.

Blue Host Review

Just by looking at it you can tell it's WordPress with the iTheme, lots of categories & using the site: operator we can see there's around 172 pages indexed.

Now this particular affiliate is using three tactics that work incredibly well:

Calling the domain the exact SERP he wants to rank for. In my testing I have noticed that if you're getting backlinks with an anchor text that matches the name of the domain name it's less likely to trigger anchor text penalties (your domain because that's what is called).Hiring people to write content on every related search term there is bluehost. If you don't use the Adwords Keyword Tool then you're crazy.Interlinking this bluehost review site with all the other sites in his network. Giving each site anywhere from 9 k - 14 k Yahoo! backlinks.

Web Host Interlinking

The layout & setup of WordPress is pretty standard stock. Plenty of categories with optimised title tags & listing them all in the sidebar. I'd personally normally list the posts in the sidebar, but if you can include some unique content on each category page using WordPress conditionals (or excerpts) then this method works well too.

Notice how the header of each single.php also has the same BlueHost offer right at the fold line. This is a great technique for grabbing the attention of the reader (after all with these types of sites the content is secondary, you want them to see the offer).

Blue Host Offer

All of his, are using the same template (iTheme for WordPress) sites, if anyone is manually reviewing these sites say goodbye.I can easily find out who this guy is using this search & seeing that he calls himself charlesgan on forums. He calls himself, it appears the same on all forums. It also appears that he spends a large amount of time buying & selling links on digitalpoint (& so hiring content writers for Web hosting articles). If I can find too sort of stuff this out in about 2 minutes I'm sure Google can.Interlinking each & every site seems to be working in the SERPS but it's so very easily spotted. If someone deuxièmement they need to take the whole network down for manipulating the SERPS it leaves Charles in a very unfortunate position & 2 years of hard work down the drain.No. mailing list, whilst this isn't a big thing Charles could potentially build a large mailing list of subscribers (after all someone doesn't stay with the same host forever), this could turn into quite a nice recurring revenue stream.Whilst I do not endorse doing this Charles has provided fake whois info for the domains. Which could't possibly be helping him in resisting any automatic interlinking penalties with Google. He hasn 't gone as far as setting anonymous nameservers with someone like easydns but that' d probably be the next step.The layout and organization of the content is done very well. Plenty of topics all covering all the questions someone might ask about BlueHost. MySQL, WordPress, server speed all that stuff.He has over 50 domains dominating this niche, quite a bit of work for one person. So I'm guessing most of the content is outsourced.Charles so interlinks the sites well within the content of the posts. Using keyword rich anchor text. There's a few plugins for WordPress that you can set to do this automatically.


I'm guessing that this network is making some pretty decent money, if you consider some hosts pay up to $150 for a signup. This shows that sticking to your guns and focusing on a particular niche can really pay off in the long run. However it does also have its consequences, in that if the network is detected you risk losing everything.

My tip is to diversify, don 't rely on a single network to build your income, but at the same time don' t ignore the potential rewards for putting the hard work into building one. If you can outsource the creation & content you can still work on your other projects. So, be transparent with your readers, provide real web hosting reviews, or try to provide value instead with web hosting coupons.

Email Marketing $19/Month!

View the original article here

How unethical are ringtone subscriptions?

Ringtones Unethical

I seats here on a Sunday morning watch channel 7, breakfast & indulging in my favorite types of TV shows - "Australia's deadliest animals."

However, Australian Sunday morning TV is notorious for the number of ad breaks, & who else would advertisers of target at this time of the week as children.

90% Has any break for the last 60 minutes content related to ringtone offers included. Now, while I usually have a problem with ring tone subscriptions, are these map very clearly is deceptive:

Guess what animal makes this noise (you hear a lion roar in the background) text to this number & Win $4000Which Cup is the ball hidden under text to the number & Win $4000

Then written in small text at the bottom of the screen the terms & conditions (which only at the start & end of the display appears), which happened, that mention subscription page of the bargin, which mind you is still hard to read, even on my HDTV.

Names of companies do: Tipe & Maxitext & let's do the math:

Tipe: $4 per text X 6 text per week = $24 per week or $ 1248 / year

MaxiText: 3 text per week = $10 / week or $ 520 / year

I I don't know anything about you, but when I was a kid certainly have access to this kind of cash & (for me) is a major problem.

Children are naturally the most vulnerable to this type of offered, as they tend to, the "FinePrint" in particular, if the map on to see between children cartoons & programs. And that ends the account?

This is one of the reasons why I have felt never comfortable promoting ringtones & ringtone subscriptions. I agree that drive PPC traffic much much less misleading (depending upon how it is done), is especially if you offer to artists (i.e. Lil Wayne ring tones).

CBS News in America posted a story of this week about about ringing big charges for "Free" sounds & we all know that Azoogleads made recently with a $1 million has$ complaint about "Free sounds."

However, it seems, that certain Australia advertisers nor are allowed to advertise "Free sounds", even though they are not unique. The TV networks seem not the misleading map to care.

What is your opinion about ringtone subscriptions, you have a problem with promoting it & how do you feel about misleading TV promotion?

Do you think that subscriptions unethical are ringtone?
Email Marketing $19/Month!

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We have a number of webinars to Affiliate Summit East 2011 in advance was executed, and so far we used GoToWebinar.

But I started hearing about FB Webinars over the last few weeks, in which webinars are broadcast directly into Facebook.

FB Webinars

Last Tuesday, Scott Boulch, the FB webinars, was on the occasion of the Internet-marketing party Meetup in Austin, and I have over what he did chat with him.

I was converted.

Scott Boulch

Be in Facebook, where practically everyone already has an account, makes a lot of sense, if you try to reach an audience. And the monthly cost is the same as I pay for GoToWebinar.

I love the idea of FB webinars and plan to bring the future participants Summit webinars on Facebook.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Affiliate Summit East 2011 keynote preview with Marc Ostrofsky

Bestselling author Marc Ostrofsky, are before recently appeared on the view, and we have excited 21, 2011 2011 him as opening keynote on Sunday, August at Affiliate Summit East.

Marc OstrofskyBefore recently, Jim Kukral sat down with Marc to talk about his upcoming keynote.

Listen toMarc Ostrofsky and Jim Kukral on

Marc's bio:

You have him on the today show, ABC 20 / 20, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, United States today and 1000 other media views. He is in the Guinness Book of records for the sale of the domain name for $7.5 million. He founded the PrePaid phone card industry, 5 magazines and 12 exhibitions - sold for more than $50 million. He raised $60 million for its last business with partner with Howard Schultz, founder of Starbucks. It has Internet companies:,,,, and get rich He owns the domain name,,,,, and 300 + other. His book, get rich click, has testimonials from Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, Steven Covey, Jack Canfield, Jeffrey Gitomer, Keith Ferrazzi, Robert Allen, Les Brown and other top writers and experts. Marc is an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, author, speaker coach and father of 5 teenage daughters.

More information on Affiliate Summit East 2011 at

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Affiliate marketing webinars, M-Commerce and @ KingJames fail

This week on the Affiliate Thing Podcast, Shawn Collins and Lisa ring groove talked about podcasting from a treadmill desk, some affiliate marketing webinars and the finalists for the LinkShare Golden link awards.

LeBron James Knocked on His Ass

Also, LeBron James discussed short on his test, ShoeMoney on local partner lead generation, mobile commerce for affiliates and Affiliate Summit came to sell booths.

See left

Subscribe you the Affiliate thing RSS feed or listen in on iTunes. You can send to get also an empty E-mail to, each podcast delivered by E-mail.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

5 Star affiliate tips to generate more revenue

Thursday, 26 May 2011 at 8: 05 by Linda Buquet

You work hard, right? Then you must listen to each end that can help you find ways to generate more revenue from every effort you make in your business.

Here is an another insightful post from our friends and customers to ShareResults thread. As the affiliation of the managers, they know what works and what doesn't. Heed their advice and see if it can help you to generate income. And work with your manager affiliate programs that you run to see how they can help you be more productive with their offers.

What subsidiaries can do to increase their income

As an affiliate manager, I am constantly examine, approve and, Yes, sometimes decline affiliate applications. In addition, I supervise affiliates use to promote offers in our network of Web sites. So, what I see? Affiliates are spread too thin, do not contact their affiliate manager and forget to promote the offer! Increase your turnover in the affiliate marketing is not only about joining programs, hosting affiliate links and sitting as that money your account rolls. This is where strategically focus your efforts.

Advertising disclosure policy* link to this entry . Discuss in the Forum of Star 5 . Related entries: Affiliate Marketing | See comments below

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