Friday, June 24, 2011

AWeber form trick to triple profits

You have probably seen me on the power of the AWeber before harp, I use it to lists for each campaign I run & website based on almost every Affiliate product I have to build.

I am going to share with you a little secret that you triple your winnings on landing pages in three different ways. This technique works best with product reviews, but I am sure that you have a way to make it with your niche will find.

This technique works by the customer data record, before you send it to the purchase/presell page of the product, check are. Is by far the easiest way to do this, they have a bonus download (in the value of $50$ 100) to offer the product in question.

Here is a brief example, I found that used this technique with eBooks:

Aweber Email Example

Once the user in their name & e-Mail address types you can use a command type in the form code them to the page of the product redirect that check are. This redirect is used normally, thank send to someone to a page:

This will then give the user the possibility, the original product purchase & an e-Mail with will be (they will be subscribed to your list) the download product in the Inbox.

If you get the free download right it can have a massive impact on the opportunity, a conversion for the main product.

I will always try to choose something that is as close as possible to the main product. If you do a review of the AWeber & capture addresses you want to give may a free 30,000 opt-in mailing list (which it of course useless without an e-Mail marketing product like AWeber). This is just one example, but you get the idea.

So you now have the opportunity, 3 times from this scenario benefit:

Main product: If your review is good & your bonus product fits you hopefully here easily to convert.
Bonus product: If you have time on your hands it is possible to use the bonus product to obtain profits. Writing an eBook or guide click with AWeber (or which product you are promoting) & give it away free (packed your affiliate links of course). Don't forget the bonus (as Web hosting or WordPress templates, etc.) add free products. Also acts as a security buffer, if the person decides, not the most important product order, they can read the bonus product & buy from there.
Mailing list: You have now an active member of your mailing list, that you newsletter, offer tips & tricks or more product reviews to. This is of inestimable value, without him, that person would be gone forever and you would have probably much of a chance to sell.

AWeber is partner of the system for 30 days free of charge test allows. With the guarantee, the:

If for some reason, no more site visitors collects you % have to follow up and increase the profits then hassle-free refund a 100.

It starts at $19 & how many subscribers do you have increased, depending. I have an account with about 600 participants, the me somewhere between $300-$1000 + every time I generated the list mail. I will leave it to you, to find out which niche respond most e-Mail offers.

Email Marketing $19/Month!

View the original article here

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