Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Capital running and the rule of law of reciprocation Cialdini

I was on a hot walk with my dog recently, and were we on a Oasis…, a water station is in our neighborhood of running capital city, a local running store set up, that I still visit not.

Water station from Capital City Running

(After Mattingly and I got out of the water a dog had they Bowl and cups) updated, they have me thinking about the wisdom of this water station in an area with tons of runners and walkers.

It brought to mind that one of the six "weapons of influence" from a favorite business book of mine, influence: the psychology of persuasion by Robert Cialdini.

And this was mutual, where people tend to favor a return.

Cialdini cited an example in Ethiopia thousands of dollars in humanitarian aid after the earthquake of 1985 to Mexico provided, although Ethiopia suffered at the time of a crippling famine and civil war.

The thing was that Ethiopia was provided for the diplomatic support of Mexico if 1935 reciprocating occupied Italy, Ethiopia.

Another example is the good cop/bad cop strategy.

Anyway, I estimated capital city run, for the provision of human and dog water at the right time and led to their business, pair of shoes of ASICs DS racer 8 to get.

Asics DS Racer 8 from Capital City Running

Check out capital city running at http://www.capitalcityrunning.com/ and visit her, when in Austin, Texas.

View the original article here

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