Sunday, May 29, 2011

Affiliate Summit Meetups in May 2011

Subscribe to the monthly Affiliate Summit Meetups in cities in the United States and around the world in the near future.

Affiliate Summit Meetups all Facebook events on, but on the Summit of affiliate Group on Facebookare organized.

Austin Affiliate Summit meetup

RSVP to a Meetup in one of the following cities

If you plan you want a Meetup in a city where it does not at present a takes place, see How to create a's Affiliate Summit of Meetup in your city on Facebook.

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Affiliates - to do this, every day more why you should not leave

Friday, May 13, 2011 at 11: 11 by Linda Buquet

Our friends and customers to ShareResults thread have this great content that we want to share whenever we can. Here are 2 of their last messages of marketing affiliate.

New affiliates: Make Sure to do this at least 30 Minutes a day

By entering into the world of affiliate marketing, it may be difficult to stay abreast of new information in the industry. This is why the setting up of a reader and putting aside the 30 minutes to one hour every day to read the contents can help. You have to become more familiar with affiliate marketing and learning new information which should be to help your business. RSS readers are ideal if your time is already abundant.

Why you should not quit Affiliate Marketing

As an affiliate and a subsidiary of starting marketing small business are a big thing. Even in this economy? Yes, absolutely. You do not have to go the road of small companies only, because there are many online resources to guide you towards a successful future and full of super affiliates who have walked this path before you. Although there are always going to be conflicting (and frightening) reports on unemployment rates, one thing is certain, affiliated marketing can only grow in popularity.

Advertising disclosure policy* link to this entry . Discuss in the Forum of the 5 Star . Related entries: Affiliate Marketing | See comments below

New here? Subscribe to the RSS feed or follow me on Twitter. Thank you for visiting!

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

The List Building Goldmine

The List Building Goldmine eBook is an easy to follow method of 5 ways to building a list of buyers fast.

Check it out!

Make a full time income with affiliate marketing

Q: Shawn, I have affiliate marketing attempted for 3 years and have from 1 ClickBank sales and my AdWords account just got shut down for the direct link. Affiliate marketing is something that I have a full time income can do? If so, you would care advice, to share how so? I'm not used to not succeed, and I will sometimes not recommended. Thank you in advance.

Shawn CollinsA: from the outset to understand one important thing about affiliate marketing is that it takes a lot of hard work and patience.

I think you had the patience to be there for three years but the success has yet come not for you.

Without looking, I can not tell your website, what can be wrong with it, but I have covers I set up a partner Web site a free resource that take the steps.

The site is extra money response, and I write it in book form with chapters and sections divided by the different things that you need to do, create a partner site.

It ranges from determining a topic to cover, over a domain and hosting, driving of traffic and test affiliate map.

You can hopefully set this on the right track. Given the fact that the current site has drawn up scrapping not, you are probably best it and start from scratch.

Video: makes a full time income with affiliate marketing

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List Building Profits

Join The Ranks Of The Wealthiest List Building Moguls Who Know Exactly How To Generate Massive Email Lists Of Targeted, Hungry Buyers

Check it out!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Affiliates - write a strong will to act as the Easter Bunny

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 11: 36 by Linda Buquet

A position of great post-Easter, with a few good lessons for merchants and affiliates, our friends and customers to ShareResultsthread.

"Kiss & Hug now Me!." (Example of a strong will to act!);-)

Write calls to Action as the Easter Bunny

Each Easter, my hubby and I organize a little children's Easter egg hunt. It really is a tonic for six witty clues treasure hunt until, hopefully, and four years level is. As a writer, I am always put in charge of the drafting of clue. This year, my six years can read, it is a little more exciting. At the same time, it is also quite difficult to find clues that will lead to action that I would like to.

This experience I was thinking how to write calls to action, and the importance that they are affiliate marketing. Here are the bases of CTAs for affiliates and merchants, that the Easter Bunny reminded me this year.

Advertising disclosure policy* link to this entry . Discuss in the Forum of the 5 Star . Related entries: Affiliate Marketing, AffiliateManagers - merchant . See comments below

New here? Subscribe to the RSS feed or follow me on Twitter. Thank you for visiting!

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Free webinar on 10 strategies for the launch of a new Web-based business

Affiliate Summit is a free webinar on strategies for the launch of a new Web-based business on Tuesday, 24 at 2 pm est.

Register for 10 strategies for starting a new Web-based business to learn more about a business model, developing a Web site, generate Web traffic select, earn with the website search engine optimization strategies, and money.

This webinar is by Jay Berkowitz, author of "Ten golden rules of online marketing", host presented ten golden rules of online marketing podcast, CEO of ten golden rules and founder of Internet Marketing Club.

There are limited spots, so please register for the webinar only, if you can make the live event.

If you want to show on a future Affiliate Summit Webinar, get complete our form and we back to you.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Survive in the Wild West of Affiliate Marketing

It is a position invited by Finch, author of the blog Finch sellsthe affiliate marketing.

You can enjoy not yet scale, but there is a battle escalation of legitimacy in the world of affiliate marketing. The discovery of the huge riches in what we do, coupled with a complete disregard for how we manage to, has led to a division of the entire industry. There are affiliated companies, and then there are cowboys.

Image by oldwestfestival

They were both hunted shooting even a pixel, but with very different ways in the realization of this. Recently, as you probably read on this site, the FTC has begun to crack the whip in the direction of these cowboys who continue to violate the rules.

I am sure that you have seen the reason why. False statements, too aggressive marketing, undisclosed sponsorship. The list goes on and on. I could sit here and minimize ROE marketers who choose to take these paths, but it would be extremely hypocritical to me. As far as I got my first lucky break by pure determination that has overcome an any sense of ethical responsibility.

The problem comes from inside.

Just a few minutes to register a domain, galvanize a sales argument and - if you are very lucky - tripping on money online. There is no barrier to entry and the police only is what your own conscience will accept as fair game.

Affiliates are sold as much dreams of pipes on the easy riches and one click businesses, make then pressure to comply with FTC guidelines only really count on them when they had their first taste of success. And many other flavors. Some flavors that the FTC is effectively decided to focus on their methods.

You tell me when you sitting with zero commission on your behalf, you read blogs on the standards of advertising and ethical guidelines? Of course you were not. You bought the dream. Read success stories which have about as much to do with success: the ability of the author to Photoshop its stats. And here lies the problem.

Most of its affiliates to stop to consider the rights and wrongs of their methods until they make you money. Combinations of the FTC will be certainly reluctant to hunt down Jimmy in the basement of his mother, if it is well known to get 4 hits for its weight loss and a click Adsense in 2007.

Once an affiliate is to make money, the equation often becomes complicated by greed. "Well, I could go back and make my letter sales legit… but what happens if I lose my sales?

Until you know it, the children who were once dodging practical good advertising for a few waves Clickbank sales, are the creators of the simulator of campaigns that build thousands of dollars a day until that someone has the balls to say enough is enough. Lawsuits are filed and just like that, an another black sore eye is found in the affiliate marketing industry as a whole.

Personally, I think that this is a problem that should be addressed by the same gurus and experts (I roll my eyes as I call them that) who plant the seeds of this grand dream online in the first place. How many of the ebooks shoddy circulate on the Warrior Forum stop mentioning the ethical responsibilities that we are required to take on board before launch us our first campaigns?

If affiliate marketing is going to get rid of the reputation of the backwards cowboy cousin in the world of advertising, the dream all new marketers sold a change.

I made some stupid mistakes when I entered in the industry. I've pushed the boundaries of good and evil at the moment I forgot their subject completely and simply asked "what is profitable and what is not?"

Fortunately, I had enough balance ethical change my ways before be compelled by any prosecution. But let's be honest. Many of us are young, rich and stupid. It is a toxic combination that can completely destroy this industry for each subsidiary of legitimate hard work unless the best principles are taught by the guys who sell dreams to affiliated companies of tomorrow.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Finch is a contractor in London, who writes regularly for
Finch sells and Finch blogs to help other affiliates succeed. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… *Political advertising disclosure*.

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Affiliate Summit speaker, Facebook page tagging, and @ Nickreese is vigilante

You talk this week on the Affiliate Thing Podcast, Shawn Collins and Lisa PicaJet Groove about Rae Hoffman explain, affiliate marketing, Affiliate Summit speaker selections, early bird prices end value and free webinars register.

Sean Power Tweet

Also the upcoming ShareASale ThinkTank, affiliate marketing meetups, a new project for Kris Jones and Nick Reese, streets of New York City do the Charles Bronson on the average.

See left

Subscribe you the Affiliate thing RSS feed or listen in on iTunes. You can send to get a blank E-mail to, each podcast delivered by E-mail.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Expert List Building Home Study Course

Expert List Building is a home study course designed for beginners to learn the skills involved in Internet marketing starting with the basics of domain names and hosting and market and niche research and blogging, traffic generation and list building.

Check it out!

UpstartLiftoff: Comprehensive Website Building to Marketing System

New! Unique! Complete Training, Cloud & Cdn Hosting, Ongoing Tutorials. Over 100 current videos. New videos weekly. 15 years website/marketing experience. We build strong, personal customer relationship. Less than 1% refund. Earn 50%/25% monthly. Prizes!

Check it out!

SurfShelf doesn't work for my treadmill desk

My treadmill desk, for the cooperation and getting some exercise at the same time, is a work in progress, and I have only one piece to make it perfect.

I have a TV at the to do wall, and a computer with WiFi connected things, but I can't seem to make the right desk solution, to find everything ergonomic and comfortable.

Treadmill desk with SurfShelf

I tried a Lapdawg, but I was not happy at the height of the it - too much crouching down.

So I have a SurfShelf - perfect height am when I am using a laptop, but I want to use a laptop, when I was on the treadmill.

Sweat and General rudeness have no place on my laptop, and I would like to shed not have some water on you be freaked out.

I want to use a wireless keyboard and mouse with my computer, but this is done not with the SurfShelf. There is simply no place for everything.

Maybe I only need to customize a desktop on the treadmill or have it out of the ground. I'll share all the information of the stuff I use, if this all worked out.

P.S. no need to me to say it is better, outside exercise - I run, walk or bike outside, if it is nice. Otherwise, I'm going to the gym. The treadmill desk is for those days when I don't have time for my work and my training.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Web 2010 - ten trends define your future

Your future financial reporting from Affiliate Summit East 2009, which took place August 9-11, 2009 in New York, New York define Web 2010 - ten trends.


Jay Berkowitz, CEO, ten golden rules

Because the Internet is the critical hub for all business and personal communication, you will discover ten trends that allows companies and individuals to differ and successfully online.

Films from this session are available at

More information on Affiliate Summit on

Note: the company and Position(en) above goods at the time of the Conference current. Some of this information may have changed since then.

Video: Web 2010 - ten trends define your future

If you watch this video, you sign up for the next Affiliate Summit. The session videos are not up to one year or longer after each Conference published.

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How affiliate marketing works

Rae Hoffman Dolan, an affiliate and Internet marketing and SEO consultant, has created a useful infographic that explains how affiliate marketing works.

Click here to view a larger version.
How Affiliate Marketing Works[Image courtesy of Sugarrae affiliate marketing Blogprovided.]

Finally, a fast and easy way for affiliate marketing to let her family and friends know what they are doing.

Plus, a really useful, precise explanation for people seeking to learn more about the affiliate marketing process.

Learn more about Rae's post, "how affiliate marketing works - A step by step Visual".

Rae to one full day SEO training course in New York City the day before the Affiliate Summit East 2011 will give.

Registration is limited for this course, which 20, 2011 will be held on Saturday, August. Details at

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Promoting an affiliate program

Q: I am a businessman and I'm gonna start my website soon. I have two questions first of all how do I my name is, so that affiliates can me, promote, and I use my built in affiliate program websites can or must I use a program like Commission Junction?

Shawn CollinsA: there are a number of ways and to promote your affiliate program.

A quick, easy and cost-effective efficient method is the use of Google AdWords. Only bid on terms in connection with your offering with the words "Affiliate program" and an advertisement pitching your affiliate program to write.

Many people find relevant affiliate programs with searching on Google.

Imagine a handful of variations which map to test, what work the best.

Another tactic is, active in the affiliate marketing community blogs (useful things - not only for a link to drop) comment and get Affiliate marketing forums.

Set up is available as a resource without looking for something in return. This kind of assistance serves as a subtle indicator for your affiliate program.

Also you should a presence on affiliate marketing conferenceshave.

Phone, IN IM and e-Mail only takes relations so far - it is a completely different situation in person, where you work out special arrangements with major artists, get their candid feedback and learn to do some new and better ways you can do.

As far as your other questions, if I understand you correctly are you questions whether you can run your affiliate program software rather than Commission Junction or other affiliate network?

While the option is out there, to use software, I suggest very that you run your affiliate program over a network.

I am personally, as a partner, much more likely to promote a business in an affiliate network. It's something of laziness/efficiency, because I want to have not hundreds of applications.

I'd rather have a handful of accounts manage my affiliate reporting and other associated tasks.

You can build a decent affiliate program outside of the networks may, but it will be much more work.

Video: promoting an affiliate program

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Not you overpay for Affiliate Summit East 2011

Only 3 months up to the year 2011 Affiliate Summit East. And only 1 week to save.

Early-bird prices ends 20 May 2011.

Exhibit Hall at Affiliate Summit West 2010

Most people register at the early bird. In other words, the most people to numbers much -procrastination tax.

And I will not even go in the people, that at the end of pay a huge premium for scalped tickets to Affiliate Summit at the last minute!

See a description of the available pass types.

Also room in the Hilton New York under 17 or until the group block is sold-out an Affiliate Summit Group amounting to $235 / night until June, depending on what comes first.

For details, see

Register now at

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

FTC busts Fake News Sites popular affiliate - affiliate Acai sued - network may have frozen assets

If you promote shady offers CPA which are consumers, include false testimony or represent falsely products to try to make a sale, you personally could be prosecuted. Not only that, but the network that you could promote frozen assets and should not be able to pay you one of your commissions.

In still another case involving affiliates of CPA unethical, the FTC filed suit against companies that use false news sites to promote products such as Acai. One of the companies being sued is a popular subsidiary network familiar to most of its affiliates. Note: If you work with this network, you cannot get paid because the FTC strives to freeze their assets. (History and links below).

But first I wanted to emphasize that it is not just networks which are get busted, but affiliates are too. The Attorney General of Chicago sued comes directly a marketing affiliate through this repression of the FTC.

Chicago Attorney General SUES affiliate for Acai scam

Chicago--Attorney General Lisa Madigan sued today a man from Chicago area for marketing fraudulent acai berry a diet diet patterns online, in a national crackdown with the Federal Trade Commission against marketing specialists affiliated which con consumers purchasing products of loss through Web sites false news of weight.

The FTC had just a press conference - here are the latest press release.

FTC seeks to stop 10 operators of fake Sites of News making misleading claims on Acai Berry weight loss products

The FTC complaints allege that the typical fake news sites have titles such as "6 news press releases", "Alert health news from health", or "Health 5 Beat Health News." Sites often include the names and logos of major media - such as ABC, Fox News, CBS, CNN, USA Today, and Consumer Reports - and represent falsely that the reports on sites have been seen on these networks. Proclaims a headline of inquiry which appear on one of these sites "" Acai Berry diet Exposed: Miracle diet or scam? "" The sub-headline reads, "" a new series: ' food trends: a look at America's top diets, we examine the advice to consumers for a diet diet during a recession. "" The following article aims to document the experience of first-hand the journalist with acai berry supplements - usually claiming to have lost 25 pounds in four weeks.

"Almost everything on these sites is false, said David Vladeck, Director of the FTC Consumer Protection Bureau." The results of weight loss, the so-called investigations, journalists, the testimony of consumption and the attempt to portray an objective, journalistic effort. »

The following companies have been appointed in the prosecution of FTC:

-Intermark Communications, Inc. DBA Copeac and IMM Interactive
-Beony International LLC. Ambervine Marketing LLC and Encastle Inc.
-TL advertising; Circa direct LLC; Coulomb Media, Inc. DLXM, LLC. Lead, expose, Inc. and Uptown Media, Inc..

The only name I recognize is Media Intermark AKA Copeac, a very well known affiliate network.

According to the FTC press release above "the FTC seeks to permanently prevent this misleading practice and asked courts to freeze the assets of pending trial operations.". So I wonder if they will be able to pay affiliate commissions towards?

As I always say "market with integrity and all the world wins!" If you are marketing the spammy scammy offers and a dealer gets busted and cannot pay you, then you understand that you deserve. Not only this, but you could get yourself in trouble. It is simply not worth!

Advertising disclosure policy*.

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Affiliate warning - FBI Sting firm 4 largest Sites of online Poker game

I've long warned to stay away from Gambling, RX and other dicey affiliate programs who are, or may in the future, be under the control of the Government.

Friday, the FBI seized and closed the web sites of PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and sites of absolute Poker, the largest poker sites online 4. The charges were reportedly bank fraud, laundering money and illegal game of offences. Apparently, even customers can't get their money from the fact that the sites are arrested.

I believe that all these companies have affiliate programs. They need you money? I am curious to know if they will be able to pay affiliates, if they have the money remaining after heavy fines. I assume that their bank accounts and other assets have been frozen in too.

FBI seizes online poker sites. Funds of clients on lockdown.

The final result? Sites are shuttering as have bank accounts 76 in 14 countries. The parties concerned are faced with fines up to $ 3 billion in fines for money laundering. In addition, all the defendants face up to 5 years and in some cases up to 30 years in prison as the maximum sentences for their alleged crimes.

I am curious to know if companies have sent emails to affiliates on the situation. If you hear anything that is related to the affiliate, please post in the comments.

Advertising disclosure policy*.

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My Affiliate help page needs SEO tough love

I am in the process of creating a site extra money answer called, the step for step guide to the people new affiliate marketing a website always started promoting it, and then money earn allows with the website.

I would like to help as many people as possible with the website, I can tweak the better, the more I can to spread the word.

I am regularly churning out the content, and it is on the thesis theme in WordPress with a custom skin built. But I need help in SEO.

This is where Chris Pearson, Derek Halpern and Rae Hoffman hopefully in come, because they are a free webinar, where go they live SEO site reviews on May 17, 2010 at 12:00 am perform Eastern.

Come on, y ' all-you help them help me!

You can log on to see the to the webinar.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Affiliated companies - local is hot! Benefit of Local Shopping with LuckyLocal

In partnership with LuckyLocal (via CommissionLocal) and to capitalize on local purchases with an affiliate model that makes sense!

Google, eBay, Groupon and other large Internet companies entering a piece of the local Internet marketing pie. Savvy affiliates who were seeking new revenue streams can now save space too!

Networks via cool tools and easy integration options that luckylocal offers affiliate feature MAJOR top merchant mark. You may be familiar with tools like Goldencan and PopShops transmission or API from networks like CJ, that allow you to integrate merchant products in your affiliate site. LuckyLocal is similar, except it provides local products feeds more it is free to use and you keep 100% of your commission earned.

Benefits affiliated LuckyLocal:

.:. Get paid even when consumers shop online - but buy offline!

.:. You keep 100% of CPS, CPA and CPC

.:. New revenue streams - affiliates can earn money if the consumer buys online or in store via CPA (the affiliate networks) or CPC ( - no purchase is required.) (Win a Shopzilla CPC even if the buyer purchases in the store.)

.:. Support for networks of affiliate - CJ, Shareasale, Google Affiliate Network, Shopzilla Linkshare more income (Earn per click) CPC

.:. Selection of local products - 2.6 million products of 45,000 local stores

See how it works - join now!

.:. Wide array of creative affiliate - local shopping widgets, banners, templates shopping local turnkey, sources and integration of deep web services via the API (results of the local search integrated on the affiliate Web site)

.:. Transmission or API allows filtering: CPA or CPC, taken in charge local vs shipping, the categories of products, the inventory by each store or retail center location

.:. Sticky your site features adds affiliate. Affiliates can help their visitors find and search for products that are in stock now at local stores

.:. Features include the local price comparison engine of different retailers, geo-targeted for consumers

Visit, the portal of the affiliate for LuckyLocal now!

CommissionLocal is the affiliate for LuckyLocal portal and allows affiliates to have local shopping functionality similar to on their site through a variety of options, including simple banners, to easy to integrate local raw data WidgetsAdvanced API, shopping sites and JSON/XML format models.

Calling all bloggers!
Add a local purchase widget and start earning today!

shopping widgetsWant widgets? We have Widgets! Widgets of the local product search, unique product widgets box, multi-product carousel widgets. You have a gardening blog, Mom blog or a blog of sport? Get your niche local shopping widgets here!

Local is hot! -Shopping benefit of premises
Set it & forget easy - Keep 100% Commission


Merchants - Linda Contact if you want your products to be included on LuckyLocal.

City directories, local news sites - please contact Linda for a free consultation on how to integrate this exciting technology into your site, monetize your local traffic.

Advertising disclosure policy*.

View the original article here

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Build Your Own Website - A Complete Guide for the Novice

An all-inclusive eBook that provides everything a newbie needs to plan, build, monetize and optimize their own website. Full of tips, ideas, suggestions and resource links, this book is a must have.

Check it out!